Build F.E.A.R представлена разработчиком как глобальная сборка построенная на платформе Anomaly 1.5.1. Build FEAR затрагивает практически все аспекты игрового контента представленного в оригинальной версии Anomaly добавляя в игру высококачественные текстуры вооружения, персонажей, костюмов, ряд игровых систем по апгрейду, ремонту, медицине, артефактам и многих геймплейных правок значительно расширяющих возможности и взаимодействие персонажа с игровыми элементами - s.t.a.l.k.e.r. anomaly 1.5.1 сборка f.e.a.r. скачать торрент.
Список всех аддонов с обновлением до версии 1.2:
4k/8k anomaly weapons textures
4k/8k anomaly weapons textures, for 1.5 f/b and u4h8
4k 3d pdas, in faction colors, for 1.5 f/b
Addonreportpack of new devices for anomaly 1.5.1
Adjustable scope view
Alt stacking
Anomaly hd models addon 1.5.1
Anomaly magazines for 1.5.1
Anomaly skyboxes v2
Arszi's burer overhaul
Arszi's controller fix and psy overhaul
Arszi's controller overhaul
Arszi's dynamic radiation zones and radiation overhaul v2.1 for anomaly 1.5.1
Arszi's mutant bleeding
Arszi task pack igi tasks
Artefact degradation
Artefact hunters storyline for scientists 1.0.3
Autocomplete unofficial 1.5.1
Basegame task pack v0.3h2 igi tasks
Beef's aim shake v1.0 for rc18 / u4h8
Beef's shader based nvgs v0.9 for 1.5.1
Blindside's weapon reanimation and rebalance - "loner"
Blindside's weapon reanimation and rebalance - jsrs patch
Blindside's weapon reanimation repositioned
Boomsticks and sharpsticks
Bounty squads expanded 1.0.4
Bullet time (now with drugs)
Cinematic vfx 3.0
Companion inventory unlock anomaly 1.5.1
Companions don't die 1.5.1
Companions x10 health regeneration 1.5.1
Cr3pis icon pack
Death animations 1.5.1
Dynamic mutants v1.42, for anomaly 1.5.1
Dynamic nocturnal mutants v1.25, for anomaly 1.5.1
Dynamic stalkers - guards v1.2
Eft aim rattle 1.2
Eft hands arms pack for t.H.A.P.
Eft jump/land sfx
Eft style weapons re-position redux
Escape from tarkov footsteps and tinnitus replacers v1.1
Exo servomotor sounds
Food, drug and drinks animations v0.8.5f 1.5.1
Graphics options interface
Grok's ballistics overhaul - eft ammo pen for 1.5.1
Grok's better sound 1.1.0 for anomaly 1.5.1
Grok's body health system redux for 1.5.1
Grok's masks and reflections
Grok's stash overhaul for anomaly 1.5.1
Grok's update of voiced actor 1.0.0 framework for 1.5.1
Grok gotta go fast [1.0.1] - adjustable actor speed
Gt task pack igi tasks
He is with me (anomaly 1.5.1)
Helmet parts bas (переделанный)
Hip camo aurora re-skin
Hunger, thirst, sleepiness bars
Igi tasks 2.11h3
Improved karabiner k98
Jsrs sound mod
Knife and pistol in binoculars slot anomaly 1.5.1
Less animations
Mask droplets overlay fix
Mcm 1.3 mcm savefile storage 1.5.1
Michiko's sound revamp (3.1)
More dynamic tasks
Mp7 texture fix
New mutant icon parts and meat 1.5.1
No drug limit
Npc loot claim
Outfit chance to drop (ctd)
Powered exoskeletons
Pre-blowout murder
Pripyat animated backround menu v2
Qol ammo box - keep your inventory clean
Quick melee attack for anomaly 1.5.1
Realism from the surly
Rowans rebalanced alife profiles & ranks v1.0.2
Rowans rebalanced npc squad loadouts v1.3.0
Some npcs models for outfits models (hd models)
Soundscape overhaul 3.0 for 1.5.1
Stealth 1.9.1
T.H.A.P rev anomaly edition for 1.5.1
Talk to anyone
Tb's 475 new stash locations v1.4
Tb's companions deactivate headlamps when in stealth
Tb's rf receiver hidden package sidequests v1.2
Thfpjct's simplified ui (взят только инвентарь) (опциональный от тиесты)
Togglescope 1.5.1
Trader overhaul complete 1.26.5
Voiced actor bear 2 - russian voice v2.0
Weapon parts overhaul for 1.5.1
White dots on minimap rc compabletable
Work tool addon (u4h8, all rc & 1.5.1)
Как установить сборку Anomaly 1.5.1 Build F.E.A.R.
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